Help email

Welcome to the Help Pages for skyBuilders® timeLines™, the small-enterprise information management toolset.

timeLines helps you to control your information chronologically and makes it available, with secure access, to your organization, your clients, and the general public via the world wide web. Combining content management, members management, events management, and secure e-commerce, open-source (GPL) timeLines is a fine choice for a small organization or business.

skyBuilders Help pages are served to all timeLines installations from our central Help server. Our main home page is

Note that skyBuilders Help pages are context dependent when opened from inside timeLines.

When you click the Help icon , the help is for that specific page in the chosen Module and Context (the two drop-down navigation menus at the top left of the timeLines pages). More help on this menu bar.

The content of the Help page changes automatically as you navigate in timeLines to different modules or contexts. If you keep the Help page open in the background, when you navigate to another context, the Help page will update itself to the new context and move to the front. (You may use this as a sort of tutorial.)

This means you can navigate around in timeLines and get a description of each page in the accompanying Help page. If you have a large screen, you might size the timeLines window and the Help window so they are side by side.

Below is a partial listing of Help pages. Hyperlinks are to currently available Help pages. Some help pages are not yet written. If you need one urgently, email us and we will make it our top priority.

Pages with periods (dots) preceding their names require these permissions/privileges levels to access the pages themselves. But the Help pages are visible to all.

.   Report privileges (one dot)
..  Edit privileges (two dots)
... Administer/Publisher privileges (three dots)

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 Version: 194434 | Series: 272875