Help > Forms > Publish Forms - Form Edit email

On this page you edit the basic properties of the Form, including the Type of Form, the Title, the Response to the Form, and the Style Sheet (CSS) used for the Form.

You also can manage Associated Users (who get notifications when this Form is submitted) and User Groups (to which the person submitting this Form is automatically joined).

The hyperlinks along the top take you to pages where you prepare Questions (and Answers), Preview the Form, and view the Responses. The last link opens a page with a skyLink - a piece of HTML you can paste into any web page that will take visitors to this Form.

Choose the Type of Form from the drop-down menu:

Application and Registration Forms require the collection of personal identification (name, email, optional phone, address, etc.). If the persons submitting the Form are recognized as members of the community, they will be challenged for their password before data is entered in their name.

The Introduction will appear at the top of the Form. It can contain instructions on how to fill out the Form, or provide a hyperlink to a more extensive (and illustrated) help page on how to fill out the Form.

The Footer will appear at the bottom of the page, with a distinctive style. You may also add headers in tehir own style between parts of the Form (from within the Questions page).

Enter the Style Sheet URL in the text box provided. You can edit the style sheet using skyWriter. Just create a new style sheet Page (named myName.css) and use getURL in skyWriter to start with the default style sheet (always at domainName/timelines/Form.css).

You can Preview the look of your Form at any time by clicking the Preview link at the top.

The Responses takes you to a list of Responses. You click on one to see the filled out Form responses.

skyLink creates the HTML code you need to put in your web page to link to this skyForm.

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77 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138      617-876-5680

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 Version: 6981 | Series: 6981