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There are two drop-down "select" menus in the Menu Bar at the top of every page. The left menu selects a Module, such as Welcome or Members. The right menu selects your action Context within each module, such as Edit Personal Info.

timeLines Menu Bar

You may always click the help link skyHelp on the right of this Menu Bar to load a context-dependent Help page.

The Help link in the "drill-down path" above on this page (Help > All Pages) takes you to the table of contents for the entire Help document collection at

The skyBug link skyBug next to the Menu Bar Help link is a special tool. It opens an email dialog to skyBuilders tech support. You can use it to send a bug report or a feature request to skyBuilders. It captures the current module and context. If you receive an error message, please select and copy the message, then paste it into the email body. Add any other comments and click send.

The skyRocket link skyRocket creates the HTML for a hyperlink that will return you, after password entry, to whatever page in whatever module you launch the skyRocket from. You can paste the skyRocket HTML into an email, or put it on a web page, and it provides immediate (but secure) access to the original context within timeLines. Check out the similar skyLink skyLink HTML generator, available in the timeLines window, which creates a guest link (no password required) to a read-only version of your timeLines data.

The Clone Window link Clone Module and Context will attempt to open a copy of your current location in timeLines (the particular module and context). It may not produce the exact page, but should be close. You can use it to work with two different views, e.g., a skyFiler (Manage Files) listing view and a skyWriter (HTML editor) open simultaneously.

The skyCalendar link skyCalendar will show or hide the Calendar on the left of the page.

timeLines Calendar

The Calendar allows you to set the timeLines working date. You may use the calendar to select the date, past or future, for which you are entering or reading information. The current date below the calendar is a link to take you back to the current date and time. web site

The skyBuilders logo in the upper left of this page, and at the left of the Menu Bar web site, links to information about, the creators of timeLines, and more information about future developments of timeLines modules.

Most pages have a Save link. Save your changes before exiting the page and do not use the browser Back button. Instead, use the navigation menus for Module and Context or other action hyperlinks in the page.

You may see a number of links at the bottom of skyPages like this one, depending on the settings of your web site administrator. They let you skyWrite the page (you need a password and Edit privileges), add comments to the page, access the Persistent Archive of different versions, and many other capabilities.

Copyright © 2000-2006 skyBuilders® is a registered trademark and timeLines is a trademark of All rights reserved.

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