Help > Forms > Publish Forms - Form Questions email

On this page you add Questions.

Choose the HTML Input Type of Question from the drop-down menu:

Your Questions may have optional Captions. If this is question 2, enter "2."

Your Questions have "Weight." This is used in scoring or grading the Form (important for quizzes). If the Question weight were 10 points (out of 100), enter "10".

Once you add a Question, the Add link remains at the top of the page so you can Add another Question. Each new Question drops to the bottom of the page (in order of creation). They can be rearranged using the up/down arrows (^ v).

Initially, each new Question has one Answer, which you can edit by clicking on the Answers link. The number of answers to a multiple choice question is shown.

If you Edit a Question on this page, you must click the Save link for that Question in order to save your work. You can not edit several questions and then hit just one Save link to save them all.

Note that the Caption is expected to be a short label that identifies the Question in a sequence.

Put the text of the Question in the Body text box provided.

You can now prepare as many answers as you want for the Question by clicking on the Answers link.

You can Preview the look of your Form at any time by clicking the Preview link at the top.

skyLink creates the HTML code you need to put in your web page to link to this skyForm.

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77 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138      617-876-5680

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 Version: 6035 | Series: 6035