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These are some advanced copy and paste examples to use in skyWriter. Back to Tags

A Portal (How To Create Navigation Portals)

A Portal Index Page     Eighteen Portal Template Pages .

Copy the link below and paste it into the GetURL dialog for a New page in skyWriter. Save it as a new Portal.

To use this Portal, you need two source files in the same folder with this page, and a skyBuilders Nav Panel:

  • banner.html - the initial document loaded in the banner frame
  • content.html - the initial document loaded in the content frame
  • A Nav Panel - the initial document loaded in the nav frame
The first Nav Panel you make has ID=1 and the default code loads it into the nav frame. Otherwise, edit the Nav Panel ID to another number (you get this in the skyLink for a new Nav Panel).

Change the src="nav.html" to src="/timelines/Nav.html?DoWhat=generate&SelectedOptionID=1"/ or whatever Nav Panel ID you have made.

You may also edit the Portal source code:

  • To change the banner height - edit rows="110,*" to a number other than 110
  • To change the nav width - edit cols="140,*" to a number other than 140
For more details, see How to Build a Navigation Page

A Glossary

A Glossary Template.

Copy the link below and paste it into the GetURL dialog for a New page in skyWriter. Save it as a new Glossary.

You can modify the appearance of the glossary by substituting another style sheet for

Style Sheets (How To Create Style Sheets)

Copy and paste these lines immediately after the <title> tag in the <head> section of your document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  h2, h3, h4 {

The first line creates a <link> to an external style sheet that can be anywhere on the web (if you provide an absolute link).

The <style> tags override the definitions for h2,h3, and h4 in the external style sheet. This is why they are called "cascading" style sheets (CSS).

Styles in the <style> tags override external styles, and if you should have "in-line" styles in the <body> (e.g., <font> tags), these would override both external styles and these styles in the head.


You can include a web page anywhere inside another page by using a skyFeed. You can also include formatted data like an Events Listing.

Copy and paste this skyFeed tag into your page.

<!-- #include virtual = "/timelines/" -->
<script language="javascript" src="/timelines/skyFeed.html?FeedURL=">

An Events Listing skyFeed tag is created by first getting a skyLink for the appropriate Listings or timeLines view. You then insert the skyLink href as the FeedURL in the skyFeed tag:

<!-- #include virtual = "/timelines/" -->
<script language="javascript" src="/timelines/skyFeed.html?FeedURL=">

Multiple Emails

An email link to multiple addresses (put commas between email addresses):

skyBuilders Info

<a href=",,"> skyBuilders Info</a>

Notice the use of the subject attribute in the form of a query string (?subject=Multiple%20Emails). This allows you to place a subject string in your mail header. The "%20" is used to denote spaces between words in the subject string.

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Authors: bobdoyle, jesse

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 Version: 3520 | Series: 84317 
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