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These are some cut and paste tag examples to use in skyWriter:
A hyperlink: (To link to an anchor, href="#anchorName")
your link text<a href="">your link text</a>
A hyperlink that opens in a new window:
your link text<a href="" target="_blank">your link text</a>
An image: (To make this image a hyperlink, replace your link text above with this)
<img src="http://yourIMG.gif" border="0" alt="alt text">
An anchor: (To link to this point in the page, use href="#anchorName" in a link)
<a name="anchorName">
An email link: Kathy Rodman
<a href="" "> Kathy Rodman</a">
Headings: (These work very well with style sheets)
An unordered list: (Change ul to ol for an ordered list)
List attributes: (put these in a <ul> or <ol> tag)
type="circle" type="square" type="disc"
type="A" type="A" type="a" type="I" type="i" type="1" start="5" (Capital letters, lower case, Roman numerals, lowercase, and arabic numerals. Start is the first number in the list.)
A definition list: (Perfect for glossaries)
<dt>First term</dt>
<dd>First definition data</dd>
<dt>Second term</dt>
<dd>Second definition data</dd>
A table:
row 1 cell 1 data | row 1 cell 2 data |
row 2 cell 1 data | row 2 cell 2 data |
<table border="1" bgcolor="#ffffcc" bordercolor="#666666" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" nowrap >
row 1 cell 1 data
row 1 cell 2 data
row 2 cell 1 data
row 2 cell 2 data
A horizontal rule: (Attributes set width, size, color)
<hr width="50%" size="5" color="#cc3333">
A blockquote: (Indents your text left and right)
"your blockquoted text"<blockquote>"your blockquoted text"</blockquote>
A font:
your text<font face="helvetica,arial,sans-serif" size="5" color="#cc3333">your text</font>
Some other important attributes: (insert these in a tag)
align="left" align="center" align="right"
valign="top" valign="middle" valign="bottom"
height="67" width="100" (size an image)
hspace="5" vspace="5" (room around an image)
color="#999999" bgcolor="#dddddd" (use bgcolor in body or table tags)
link="#9999ff" vlink="#ff99ff" alink="#9999ff" text="#333333" (use in body tag to change link and text colors)
background="http://yourBackgroundIMG.gif" (use in body tag to tile a background image)
face="times,times new roman,serif" face="courier,monofont,monospace"
<%= CopyrightString %>