Help > Forums > Manage Forums email

skyBuilders Forums allow users to Post a message, and then have that message emailed to all the Subscribers to the Forum.

Forums are closely related to Interests. Members/Users can elect to be associated with an Interest. Administrators may also assign Users to Interests.

A Forum is a skyPage (with Comments turned on in the Footer) that has been associated with an Interest. See Members > Add or Delete an Interest for how to manage Interests and Interest Groups.

Every skyPage offers Comments (discussion threads). When anyone posts a comment to a page (either starting a new discussion thread or replying to an existing thread), those comments are emailed to all those associated with the Interest Forum.

We say that the "User is Subscribed to the Forum Posts."

How does a site visitor find these discussions Forums? Members can use the Forums Browser to display all the Forums that are available.

To turn a skyPage into a Forum, navigate to the web page and click on skyWriter, or locate the page in the File Manager.

If the page is a plain HTML file, you must Serialize it.

If it is already a Page Series, select it and click the Manage Series link (or double-click it) to get to the Series Manager. Now click Settings.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings page, and choose a Forum (Interest) Group.

Save your settings and now scroll down a second time. You will find that you may now add a Title and Description for your Forum.

You may now go the Forums Browser, where all the Forums available are shown. From this page you can Read and Post to any Forum.

You may also use the Forums Subscription page, where you manage your own subscriptions. Just click on a page to toggle between Subscribed and Unsubscribed.

Finally, Manage Forums, which requires Editor privileges, lets you edit the Title and Description, Remove a Forum, or link directly to a Forum to view it.

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 Comments (0)
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 Version: 13671 | Series: 13671 

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